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Services & Supports

Adult Services

Community Living Belleville and Area provides supports adults with intellectual disabilities. It supports people in 18 community homes in the Belleville and surrounding area. Services and supports are individualized for each person and are provided to ensure that people are achieving their identified Personal Outcomes.

This means living in their own home, being an important part of a welcoming community, enjoying friendships with other people and making a meaningful contribution though work and volunteerism.

Passport Opportunities

Passport is a program that supports adults over the age of 18 who have an intellectual disability. This service allows people to be involved in their communities and live as independently as possible. Passport also provides funding for community participation services and supports, activities of daily living and person-directed planning. It also provides funding for caregiver respite services and supports for primary caregivers of an adult with an intellectual disability.

Caregiver Respite 

Caregiver respite is temporary help to provide a break to primary caregivers. This can be during the day, evening or weekend, and can be in-home or out-of-home.

Respite includes supervising or providing supports for people with daily living activities such as personal care so that caregivers get a temporary break.

Person-Centred Planning

Passport funding (up to $2,500) can be used to develop a person-directed plan that builds on the person’s strengths and interests. It identifies supports to help the person achieve their goals. These supports can be purchased from independent planners, facilitators or developmental services agencies.


Passport funding can cover some employer costs such as Canada Pension Plan contributions, Employment Insurance,  Workplace Safety and Insurance Board premiums, vacation pay, etc.

Passport recipients can also use up to 10 per cent of Passport funding for administrative supports such as bookkeeping, bank fees, payroll and scheduling support workers.

Expenses NOT covered by Passport

  • Housing and home maintenance (such as: rent, home renovations or modifications, housekeeping).
  • Household items and electronics (such as: furniture, appliances, computers).
  • Indirect respite services and supports (such as: cleaning, meal preparation, snow removal, care of other family members).
  • Holiday travel (such as: personal or family vacations).
  • Telephone/telecommunications (such as: home phone and internet service, cell phone services).
  • Groceries, food, and restaurant meals.
  • Clothing and personal goods and services (such as: toiletries, spa treatments, aesthetic and cosmetic services).
  • Dental care and services.
  • Fees for therapies/specialized services (such as: speech and language therapy, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, nursing, massage therapy).
  • Assistive devices and specialized equipment.
  • Services already received through the Ontario Disability Support Program (such as: drug benefits, medical aids).
  • Tuition for post-secondary programs that can be paid for by government assistance programs (such as the Ontario Student Assistance Program), or supports available through an on-campus accessibility office.
  • Vehicle purchases and/or modifications, leases and rentals.

Note: In exceptional cases, the Passport agency may allow exceptions for expenses that are not normally covered under the program. 

For more information, please contact: info@clbelleville.ca